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2021-01-09 • Saturday Matinée

Paramount gets the rights to Spamalot. A film festival for one. Damien Chazelle’s next film gets a new release date. Silver Linings debuts this week on The Next Reel. Plus, a rundown of some of the latest trailers, the IMDB game, and a list of films of beings disguised as humans!


Other beings disguised as humans, plus a bonus pick of mountain hotels!

Andy’s List

  1. Under the Skin
  2. Constantine
  3. Blade Runner

Bonus: The Invisible Guest (Contratiempo)

Ray’s List

  1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Pt. 1
  2. Mars Attacks!
  3. Kiss Meets the Phantom of the Park

Bonus: The Lady Vanishes (1938)

Kyle’s List

  1. Spider-Man: Far From Home
  2. Meet Dave
  3. The Gate

Bonus: Avalanche

A fine Saturday Morning to you.

Looking to binge The Next Reel’s weekend commentary and list-making extravaganza? Here you go!
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