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Faceted Search Comes to Mobile Today with New BA Insight Visual Refiners

This week, BA Insight announced the immediate availability of Visual Refiners for O365. It’s a new version of the software you already love, bringing reactive design and mobile awareness so that data exploration can be done effectively, even on a mobile device.

BA Insight CTO Jeff Fried joins us on the show today to share the thinking that went into this release of Visual Refiners along with his favorite functions that offer not just user convenience, but insights into data inside the firewall your teams have never experienced — both at work, and on the road.

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Shared Insights is a podcast about modernizing enterprise search and intranets to improve employee collaboration and productivity. From customer stories to behind-the-scenes tales from our own developers, we aim to share what makes our approach to finding and accessing content across the enterprise a transformative force.
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