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Search and the state of GSA Replacements with MC+A’s Michael Cizmar

Michael Cizmar is founder and managing director of MC+A, specializing in helping organizations improve their bottom line by implementing cloud and search technologies. He joins us today for a conversation on search and the importance of findability, specifically in light of Google’s announcement that the Google Search Appliance has reached sunset with phase out of the product beginning early 2016, targeting complete discontinuation by 2019. What does this mean for platform decisions moving forward? MC+A is Google for Work Partner so we count on Michael’s expertise to help us navigate search in this post-GSA landscape.

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Shared Insights is a podcast about modernizing enterprise search and intranets to improve employee collaboration and productivity. From customer stories to behind-the-scenes tales from our own developers, we aim to share what makes our approach to finding and accessing content across the enterprise a transformative force.
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