“Barton Fink” was the crowning glory of the Cannes Film Festival when it premiered there in May 1991. Critics heaped their praises on it. But it never really connected with the audience and hence was a box office failure. Luckily, Joel and Ethan Coen made a film that is worth rewatching and discussing, even if it’s not completely decipherable. Join us — Pete Wright and Andy Nelson — as we continue our Drama of the Brothers Coen series and delve into the murky, oozing depths of “Barton Fink.” We talk about the pervasive symbolism throughout the film and ask what it means, if it’s too much, if it’s too on the nose, or if it’s worth it. We chat about the brilliant sound design and beautiful cinematography, and how those elements of the senses play such key roles in this film. We chat about the nature of honesty and ethics and what this film has to say about them. And we discuss the fascinating character portrayals, most notably Barton played by John Turturro and Charlie played by John Goodman. It’s not an easy film to understand but it’s clear that it’s a film made by deliberate filmmakers who know what they’re doing. We have a great conversation about this film, and hopefully our conversation is easier to understand than the film itself. Tune in!