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The Next Reel • Season 12 • Series: The Before Trilogy • Before Midnight

Before Midnight

“Like sunlight, sunset, we appear, we disappear. We are so important to some, but we are just passing through.”

Time to wrap things up with Jesse and Céline

The conclusion of our 18-year journey with the two principal characters in Richard Linklater’s Before Trilogy lands in division. When we started this series, we were divided because of the Gen-X nature of the characters. With the second film, we both found a much stronger connection to the romantic rekindling between Jesse and Céline. Here, we find ourselves split again, and it’s because this pair – now together with kids – has a big fight. But there’s more to the film. Join us – Pete Wright and Andy Nelson – as we tie things up in our Before Trilogy with a conversation about Linklater’s 2013 film Before Midnight.

A lot to argue about, a lot to agree about.

We both like how the film starts. We both like the conversation around the table as four couples talk about love, masculinity/femininity, and sex. It’s the nature of the marriage and Jesse’s and Céline’s conversations together – and arguments later – that lead to our splitting of the minds. Is it a natural conversation flow that leads to the fighting? Or is it crafted in a way that makes Céline seem crazier than she should and makes it feel like they haven’t talked in nine years? Does it all feel unnaturally “written” and not “real?” And did the conversation make sense to begin with?

There’s a lot of debate and arguing, and it makes for a fun conversation. Check out the trilogy then tune in! The Next Reel – when the movie ends, our conversation begins!

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A show about movies and how they connect.

When the movie ends, our conversation begins. We love movies. We’ve been talking about them, one movie a week, since 2011. It’s a lot of movies, that’s true, but we’re passionate about origins and performance, directors and actors, themes and genres, and so much more. So join the community and let’s hear about your favorite movies, too.
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