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The Next Reel • Season 12 • Series: John Wick • John Wick: Chapter 2

John Wick: Chapter 2

“Can a man like you know peace?”

We’re Back With John as He Takes on the Italian Mafia

John Wick: Chapter 2 starts mid-action sequence as John fights Viggo’s brother to get his car back. It sets up the action for this film, and sets up John’s motivations. He’s a man stuck in the past who clings to his relics. Once he has his car, he even goes so far as to try breaking the rules to stay out of the business. Unfortunately, he’s not allowed, which propels this film. There’s a lot more world-building in this film to set all of this up. How does it work? Join us – Pete Wright and Andy Nelson – as we continue our look at the John Wick series with a conversation about Chad Stahelski’s 2017 follow-up John Wick: Chapter 2.

Here’s a hint at what we talk about.

This is an R-rated world of violence. What’s interesting is that, given the opportunity to include nudity as well, Stahelski opts to avoid it. That tells us a lot about the specific world-view we’re meant to take away from this movie. It’s one of violence, not sex, even if it’s full of sexy, well-dressed people who know how to fight.

To that end, the stunts and action are amped up and enjoyable. It helps that the film is so beautiful to look at, particularly that final fight sequence through the museum and hall of mirrors. We get a prolonged stunt sequence midway through the film as John leaves his assassination of Gianna then has to fight dozens of hitmen, not to mention Common and Ruby Rose, both playing bodyguards.

But how does this expanded world of hitmen work? Are they making a mess of it or does it work for us? And how about the new rules involving blood oaths? It’s actually quite interesting. If there’s an area we like but worry it may become too convoluted in later films, it’s the 12-member High Table with the various mob families, not to mention the Bowery and all the other various groups that seem to be involved in crime here.

Regardless, it all makes for a fun film. We have a great time talking about it, so check it out then tune in. The Next Reel – when the movie ends, our conversation begins!

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