George Miller’s film “Mad Max” came out in 1979 in Australia and became a huge success, going on to become the most profitable film ever until it was unseated from its throne by one Blair Witch. It went on to spur two sequels and, soon, a fourth. Join us — Pete Wright and Andy Nelson — as we gear up for one of our most anticipated movies this summer by kicking off our Mad Max series with the start of it all — “Mad Max.“ Join us as we talk about why we love this film so much and how much Miller gets out of this dystopian world he’s created, despite his limited funds. We discuss the nature of this world and where it falls as far as post-acopalytic versus a near future that’s just messed up. We chat about Mel Gibson in one of his first starring roles and what he brings to the table, along with the other actors (including Hugh Keays-Byrne as Toecutter, who will be turning up on ”Fury Road” as well). We go into the amazing stunt work at length, really digging into some of the wild things they did while marveling that so few people got seriously hurt. And we look at the cinematography, art direction, costume design and composing and how each element really worked perfectly to bring this world to life. It’s a fantastic film and we’re both big fans. Tune in!