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Once Upon A Time In America

"I like the stink of the streets. It makes me feel good."

By the time Sergio Leone got the cameras rolling on what would turn out to be his last film, nearly thirteen years had passed since he last sat behind the camera. If anyone expected a filmmaker with rusty skills however, they certainly didn’t get that. Leone was as masterful a filmmaker as he was in decades past. Join us – Pete Wright and Andy Nelson – as we wrap up our celebration of Leone’s Once Upon a Time trilogy with his 1984 film Once Upon a Time in America.

We talk about the length of this film and how that affects our viewings of it. We look at the story and explore how it’s a very Leone look at the world with male criminals making their ways through the world. We chat about some of the cast, notably Robert De Niro and James Woods, and look at what they’re bringing to the table. We touch on Ennio Morricone’s masterful score and compare it with the other films in this trilogy. And we look at the mess of edits this film went through on its journey to theaters.

It’s a fascinating (and lengthy) film that we have a great time exploring and discussing. Check it out then tune in! The Next Reel – when the movie ends, our conversation begins.

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Film Sundries

A show about movies and how they connect.

When the movie ends, our conversation begins. We love movies. We’ve been talking about them, one movie a week, since 2011. It’s a lot of movies, that’s true, but we’re passionate about origins and performance, directors and actors, themes and genres, and so much more. So join the community and let’s hear about your favorite movies, too.
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