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The Secret in Their Eyes

"Memories are all we end up with."

Anyone who has seen a Ricardo Darín film knows he has very expressive eyes. The actors in the 2009 film El Secreto de Sus Ojos, or The Secret in Their Eyes, had to have more than just expressive eyes, though. They had to be able to carry heavy amounts of subtext in their eyes. And while director Juan José Campanella’s film is largely a detective story as Darín and his team work to solve a cold case, it’s also a story about unrequited love. Luckily, Campanella had worked with Darín before so he knew Darín could do it. And Darín pulls it off effortlessly, along with his costars Soledad Villamil and Guillermo Francella. Join us as we continue our series on actor Ricardo Darín with Campanella’s 2009 film The Secret in Their Eyes.

We talk about how well this film works for us and what Campanella achieves with this magnificent film. We look at the work Darín, Villamil and Francella bring to the table, not to mention their costars Pablo Rago, Mario Alarcón, Javier Godino and Carla Quevedo. We revel in the spectacular cinematography throughout the film from director of photography Félix Monti, discussing how they frame shots, the narrow depth of field, handheld shots and more. We look at the complexities involved in creating the spectacular stadium scene, and we contrast that with discussions about some smaller scenes. We discuss some of the themes of the film and how well they are balanced across the story, and we briefly discuss the American remake and why it doesn’t work for Andy.

It’s a fascinating film that sticks with you long after it ends. We love it and by now have fallen completely for the wonderful onscreen presence of Darín. He’s a brilliant actor and we had a great time talking about this film of his. So what are you waiting for? Watch this movie then tune in! The Next Reel — when the movie ends, our conversation begins!

Film Sundries

A show about movies and how they connect.

When the movie ends, our conversation begins. We love movies. We’ve been talking about them, one movie a week, since 2011. It’s a lot of movies, that’s true, but we’re passionate about origins and performance, directors and actors, themes and genres, and so much more. So join the community and let’s hear about your favorite movies, too.
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