Helllooooooo! Tonight, we’re talking “Hot Fuzz”, the perfect comedy homage to every cop action film ever made! The second and last film made thus far in the Three Flavours Cornetto Trilogy, this film was again written by Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright, directed by Wright and starring Pegg. Join us as we talk about the fantastic filmmaking style that Wright brings to this film, particularly the ever-so-perfect Tony Scott-style series of shots, which we aptly name the “Jiggly Monkey”. We also faun over the stellar cast, particularly the Daltonator in all his ‘stache glory. We chat about the intense over-the-top violence and how it works in the film. We discuss the nature of parody or spoof films vs. homage films, and we rattle off all the cliches that this film employs so perfectly. It’s an action film that features the shortest car chase in film history, a cuddly monkey and a Japanese Peace Lily, with a bit of impaling thrown in for good measure. Listen in! And by the way, did you know that NASA named the Japanese Peace Lily one of the top 10 air cleaning plants? Good to know.