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How Do You Break the News to Family & Friends?

You might find yourself asking, “when will I get to the other side?” Divorce is long, but it’s a process. And processes absolutely come to an end. As hard as it is while you’re in it, as foggy as the end might seem, it’s out there.

Along the way, you’ll come face to face with a lot of feelings. But they’re not your feelings. And that can get confusing. Parents may get mad about the divorce. Grandparents will feel loss about the grandkids. Dear friends will want to support you, people you thought were dear friends will pick sides, and of course you’ll be dealing with the complications of the actual divorce process and might just have your own feelings about your soon-to-be former spouse to live through.

This week on the show, we’re talking all about breaking the news to friends and family and how to manage boundaries appropriately with each as you reach for the end of the divorce process.

Seth Nelson is a Tampa based family lawyer known for devising creative solutions to difficult problems. In How to Split a Toaster, Nelson and co-host Pete Wright take on the challenge of divorce with a central objective — saving your most important relationships with your family, your former spouse, and yourself.
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