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Making Capitalism More “JUST”: Martin Whittaker of JUST Capital Shares the Organization’s Bold Vision to Reshape How Corporate America Works

The world needs more just companies. But what makes a company “just”?

JUST Capital is an NGO working to help corporations evolve their business and societal commitments to make capitalism more “just.” That’s a big task, but one that JUST Capital’s CEO, Martin Whittaker, relishes. Martin joined Purpose 360 to discuss the genesis of JUST Capital (which was founded by legendary investor Paul Tudor Jones II) and how it’s setting a roadmap for corporate America – defining the actions and behaviors companies should adopt as they interact with employees, customers, consumers, communities, and shareholders in a meaningful way.

Central to this is the JUST 100, an annual ranking that recognizes the top 100 most “just” companies in America. Companies are ranked based on how they perform on issues that Americans care most about – such as safe and secure jobs, truth in advertising, environmental responsibility, and 33 other components. Since launch, the JUST 100 has influenced the way companies are approaching their ESG commitments.

Aside from its flagship rankings, JUST Capital is doing a lot to harness the power of American business for good. In this episode, Martin expands on the JUST ETF, JUST Index, and what comes next in a “just” economy.

Listen in for Martins insights on:

  • How purpose and corporate social responsibility can drive ROI across a business – if it’s implemented authentically, and smartly.
  • Why Wall Street is putting more money behind companies with robust ESG commitments.
  • The vital importance of culture in an organization, and how “crowd sourcing the DNA of a 21st Century company” supports long-term success.


Business is an unlikely hero: a force for good working to solve society’s most pressing challenges, while boosting bottom line. This is social purpose at work. And it’s a dynamic journey.

Purpose 360 is a masterclass in unlocking the potential of social purpose to ignite business and social impact. We illuminate the growing impacts of purpose, from engaging employees and fostering deeper consumer loyalty to inspiring product innovation and increasing market share.