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Patience & Kindness: The Two Heavenly Virtues of Not Being a Big Dumb Jerk

Pete and Tommy are back for a two-fer! This time they’re tackling not one, but two of the heavenly virtues: kindness and patience.

Join them as they explore what these virtues really mean, from navigating grocery store lines to reflecting on the DNC (dated references and all!). They dive deep into the idea of mindful patience, even touching on the ancient practice of Vipassana. Tom tries to cultivate more patience in his daily life, and they both ponder how kindness and patience (or the lack thereof) play out in modern culture, including a half-assed takedown of that Pepsi commercial.

Welcome to All The Feelings: A sometimes-funny podcast about being human.

Every week hosts Tommy Metz III and Pete Wright each drag one of their big feels into the light to share it, learn about it, and hopefully laugh about it with all of you.

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