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Marvel Movie Minute Season Four: Thor • Minute 74

Thor 074: How Many RomCom Tropes Can They Squeeze Into This Minute?

Minute Seventy-Four: From A Fireside Connection to Some SHIELD Frustration

Joining us to discuss the RomCom Tropes-filled relationship between Jane and Thor, Jane’s journal, and her anger at SHIELD is Bubbawheat from the Flights, Tights and Movie Nights podcast.

Bubbawheat – Flights, Tights, and Movie Nights podcast

In the seventy-fourth minute of Kenneth Branagh’s 2011 film Thor

  • Wow, is this minute overloaded with RomCom tropes! Matthew runs through a list of many of them. They make for great conversation topics for sure.
  • Interesting that Jane says, “I’m really glad that you’re safe,” instead of, “I’m really glad that you’re okay.” There’s an interesting irony there, particularly knowing what Loki’s plotting for Thor.
  • Thor seems to have working on looking internally here.
  • One of the tropes? That special something she’s been looking for that he’s found and gets for her.
  • We all love Jane’s 4-color BIC pen so much.
  • The firelight… so romantic…
  • The only trope we’re missing is the ‘I feel like I’ve known you forever’ trope.
  • Again… Patrick Doyle’s score… so good
  • We talk about how Thor really has so much empathy now. It’s great to see.
  • Jane’s struggling about something that has nothing to do with him, and he’s interested. Another trope.

Jane’s afraid SHIELD won’t let her research see the light of day.

  • Is it that they’ll hide it? Or use it for their own evil purposes?
  • This does feel like that element of SHIELD that’s run by Hydra agents.
  • We debate any potential storyline with Jane’s father and Erik and connections to SHIELD they may have had in their past.

We’ve got more romance, a special gift, and some anger at the government to talk about with Bubbawheat today. Tune in!

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Film Sundries

The Hammer Falls.

Matthew Fox and Andy Nelson are on an in-depth, minute-by-minute exploration of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This season, our superhero also happens to be a god.

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