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2019-04-13 • Saturday Matinée

Criterion has launched, but only for Steve. Let’s talk about Disney+. Hawkeye + Lady Hawkeye. Feige says don’t hold your breath for X-Men to join the MCU. Abrams says F-U to episode XII. Disney’s live action strategy. We’re not talking about the SW:TRoS trailer.

Actors playing their own instruments!

⭐ = Steal
🌟 = Double-steal

Andy’s List

  1. The Pianist
  2. Sweet & Lowdown
  3. Immortal Beloved

Steve’s List

  1. Walk the Line
  2. Whiplash
  3. The Piano

Pete’s List

  1. Amadeus
  2. Great Balls of Fire
  3. Love & Mercy
  • (00:00) – 2019-04-13 – Saturday Matinée
  • (01:42) – Criterion Channel has launched for Steve
  • (05:04) – All the great +es
  • (10:05) – The comfortable home of the X-MEN
  • (13:30) – The Dizz’s live action revolution
  • (19:43) – Family Movie Night: Mary Poppins Returns
  • (21:54) – The part in which we do not talk about Star Wars
  • (24:46) – Let’s Do Trailers
  • (40:17) – The List: Actors REALLY playing their instruments
  • (01:03:19) – Coming Attractions

A fine Saturday Morning to you.

Looking to binge The Next Reel’s weekend commentary and list-making extravaganza? Here you go!
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