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Possessed! by Lester and Kynan of The Exorcist Minute!

Welcome to another month in the Dark! This time we’re taking on those head-turning, wall-clinging, priest-punching pests, DEMONS and the poor saps they possess! 

What business do we have doing all this? Well, some, but we level up this month with a few very special guests. Lester Ryan Clark is actor, writer, and teacher of everything, and Kynan Dias is a filmmaker and assistant professor in film at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and  and together they host The Exorcist Minute right here — and brand new — on TruStory FM, covering, as they say, the scariest movie of all time, minute by terrifying minute. 

We talk about Poltergeist 2, Krampus, Hereditary, The Exorcist 3, The Rite, and The Exorcist. As usual, we put together a list of the films (and a few bonus films, for this month’s curriculum posted on our Letterboxd account right here. Clone the list and get to watching!

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A podcast exploring horror in film across classics and subgenres with Kyle Olson, Tommy Metz, Kynan Dias, Pete Wright, and more.
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