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Captain America

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Marvel Movie Minute Season Five • Captain America: The First Avenger • Minute 46
Marvel Movie Minute

CATFA 046: Roeder Marks and Schneider Piles

In this minute of Joe Johnston’s 2011 film ‘Captain America: The First Avenger,’ Hutter realizes that Schmidt’s planning to target Berlin only to realize Schmidt has no intention on letting them out of the room. Schmidt uses his Tesseract-powered cannon to disintegrate Hutter, Schneider, and Roeder. We then get to see the Hydra salute and Dr. Zola’s reaction to it. Meanwhile, Steve gives some blood…

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Marvel Movie Minute Season Five • Captain America: The First Avenger • Minute 45
Marvel Movie Minute

CATFA 045: His Own Playpen

In this minute of Joe Johnston’s 2011 film ‘Captain America: The First Avenger,’ Schmidt offers to show Team Kraftwerk his weapons and they have a conversation about great power, science, and magic. But what does Schmidt mean by ‘his’ enemies?

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Marvel Movie Minute Season Five • Captain America: The First Avenger • Minute 44
Marvel Movie Minute

CATFA 044: How Reddy Is He?

In this minute of Joe Johnston’s 2011 film ‘Captain America: The First Avenger,’ Steve continues checking himself out. Meanwhile, three of Hitler’s SS officers question Schmidt about the status of his weapons project, and one mistakenly calls him Red Skull.

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Marvel Movie Minute Season Five • Captain America: The First Avenger • Minute 43
Marvel Movie Minute

CATFA 043: Peer [13] Pressure

In this minute of Joe Johnston’s 2011 film ‘Captain America: The First Avenger,’ Steve dives in after Heinz’ sub, smashes the window, and pulls him out. Heinz kills himself with cyanide after revealing he’s with Hydra. Steve notices himself finally.

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Marvel Movie Minute Season Five • Captain America: The First Avenger • Minute 42
Marvel Movie Minute

CATFA 042: The Kid Is the Grenade

In this minute of Joe Johnston’s 2011 film ‘Captain America: The First Avenger,’ Kruger kidnaps a boy and flees down the pier with Steve close behind. He throws the boy into the water then climbs into his Hydra submarine.

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Marvel Movie Minute Season Five • Captain America: The First Avenger • Minute 40
Marvel Movie Minute

CATFA 040: Fake Feet Shoes

In this minute of Joe Johnston’s 2011 film ‘Captain America: The First Avenger,’ Peggy runs after Kruger who blows a car up. She shoots his driver so he steals a cab and tries to run her down, but Steve tackles her. He apologizes and runs after Kruger. The chase begins!

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Marvel Movie Minute Season Five • Captain America: The First Avenger • Minute 39
Marvel Movie Minute

CATFA 039: Chekhov’s Vial of Super Soldier Serum

In this minute of Joe Johnston’s 2011 film ‘Captain America: The First Avenger,’ Fred Clemson flicks his bic, which blows up the observation booth. He then shoots Erskine and runs out with the remaining vial of formula. Peggy shoots him once and goes after him. Steve holds Erskine as he dies then runs after. Clemson – actually spie Heinz Kruger – kills Agent X-13 and takes off.

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Marvel Movie Minute Season Five • Captain America: The First Avenger • Minute 38
Marvel Movie Minute

CATFA 038: The Thirstiest Minute

In this minute of Joe Johnston’s 2011 film ‘Captain America: The First Avenger,’ Dr. Erskine asks Mr. Stark to open the Vita-Ray Chamber, and we get to see Steve Rogers in his full sweaty, muscled glory. Everyone’s thrilled the experiment worked, but what’s going on with Fred Clemson? Why is he acting so suspicious now?

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Marvel Movie Minute Season Five • Captain America: The First Avenger • Minute 37
Marvel Movie Minute

CATFA 037: The Screaming Always Starts at 70%

In this minute of Joe Johnston’s 2011 film ‘Captain America: The First Avenger,’ Howard keeps cranking the vita-ray dial until Steve starts screaming. That’s when Dr. Erskine and Agent Carter want everything shut down. But Steve says it’s fine. He can do this. And so they continue pumping him full of vita-rays until the machine shuts down.

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