When the extended trailer for James Cameron’s 1989 undersea scifi spectacular, “The Abyss,” was released, detailing everything from the production on sets built in an unfinished power plant to the intense action and character moments throughout the film, all set to Michael Stearns’ powerful score from the IMAX film “Chronos,” it set the stage for an epic film that promised to deliver “Aliens” underwater. When the film was released, it received good reviews and earned its money back, but wasn’t what people expected. Plus, it had an ending that left audiences scratching their heads a bit. But 3 years later, Cameron was able to return to it and release an extended version with nearly 30 minutes of new material, including an extended ending that answered a lot of questions, even if it did add an element to the story that feels heavy handed. His new version was received very positively and showed that going back and meddling with a film could result in a better product, and it’s definitely a film worth rewatching. Join us — Pete Wright and Andy Nelson — as we continue our Original SciFi series with “The Abyss.” We talk about what works for us and what doesn’t in this film, and how much that really matters in the end. We talk about the amazing cast that really sell the story — even the cheesy lines and heavy-handed plot elements — and why some of them refuse to talk about production of this film to this day. We chat about the effects and where this film fits in the context of the history of special effects development. We discuss Cameron and his ability to make films as well as his passion for technologies and undersea exploration, and how those two passions came together perfectly here. And we discuss the nature of film worlds versus the real world, and how accurate a film needs to be when depicting real things. It’s a great film with some problematic elements that we’re perfectly willing to overlook, and we have a great time talking about it. Tune in!