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The Next Reel • Season 13 • Series: 1988 Academy Awards Best Visual Effects Nominees • The Lost Boys • Member Bonus

The Lost Boys • Member Bonus

“Kill your brother, you’ll feel better.”

The 80s were a transformative time for vampire films, leading studios to rethink the genre and develop sexier, edgier stories for modern audiences. Under Joel Schumacher’s direction, The Lost Boys brought together attractive young stars, iconic music, and cutting-edge special effects to create an instant cult classic. Join us – Pete Wright and Andy Nelson – as we continue the 1988 Academy Awards Best Visual Effects Nominees series with a conversation about The Lost Boys

Here’s a hint at what we talk about:

We dive into the homoerotic subtext Schumacher wove throughout the film, from the casting to the costumes to set decor details. Though subtle, these elements enriched the story in ways we didn’t fully appreciate until now. We also discuss how the film’s Santa Cruz setting, portrayed fictionally as the murder capital Santa Carla, nicely matched its dark tale of teenage vampires. And we can’t neglect the movie’s stellar 80’s soundtrack, which indelibly linked this movie with its musical era. (Plus, Sweaty Sax Guy!)

Here are a few other points in our discussion:

  • The brilliant directing choices, like shooting in POV to suggest flying (and a cheap way to do it!)
  • The fantastic practical effects, especially the garlic bathtub scene
  • The film’s influence on future vampire stories, from Buffy to Twilight
  • Our favorite and least favorite characters (Who are we kidding? We love them all!)
  • Questionable plot points that now bother us… barely

The Lost Boys endures as a thoroughly entertaining vampire movie with depth beyond its horror trappings. We have a great time talking about it, so check it out then tune in. The Next Reel – when the movie ends, our conversation begins!

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