Meet Your Host

Howard Teibel

Howard Teibel works with Chief Business Officers, Chief Academic Officers and their teams to confront their toughest challenges as they envision how to define – and redefine – the value of a 21st century education. His academic writing includes co-authoring the book Redesigning Higher Education: Systemic Integration and Cluster Based Learning, written with Don Birx, President of Plymouth State University. He hosts Navigating Change: The Podcast from Teibel Education on TruStory FM.

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Engaging in Failure and Creativity with First American’s Chad Wiedenhofer

How do you get people to engage in a conversation around failure? According to our guest, “you can see in organizations where iteration and the failure that might come with it is accepted as something that can be positive, and something that can help us get to the destination we’re trying to get to.” Creating a culture of iteration, and adapting toward a state in which you see failure as growth is a challenge, but one worth taking. SVP of First American Education Finance Chad Wiedenhofer joins us today to talk about iteration and growth.

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Small Initiatives Set the Course for Big Change

Want to condition yourself to do 100 push-ups a day? Then start with just one, and do it right after you use the restroom. Such is the advice from Stanford professor BJ Fogg in his TEDxTalk about using tiny habits to launch big change in your life.


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