$5 Dinners Your Family (And Your Wallet) Will Love with Erin Chase

I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with cooking and meal planning. I enjoy cooking and feeding my family healthy meals, but it turns out this is something you have to do every. single. day! I get burnt out easily. AND, as you might have noticed, food is EXPENSIVE and it just seems to be getting more so. For me, it’s overwhelming to manage the logistics as well as the finances of all this eating.

Furry Friend Field Report from Best Friends

Last month my family and I spent a week in Utah. Several of those days we volunteered at the largest no-kill animal shelter in the country – Best Friends Animal Sanctuary.

Hacks to Organize, Manage and Enjoy Your Photos with Photojojo’s Laurel Sittig

A few weeks ago I took to my Facebook page to ask what projects you knew you SHOULD be tackling but you just didn’t know where to start. One neglected project mentioned repeatedly had to do with photos…“organizing all my photos” or “sorting/printing pictures” and “creating yearly memory books for my kids”. And BOY can I relate.