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Heidi Bennett

Marvel Movie Minute Season Five • Captain America: The First Avenger • Minute 110
Marvel Movie Minute

CATFA 110: The Jewel of the Sea

In this minute of Joe Johnston’s 2011 film ‘Captain America: The First Avenger,’ the Howling Commandos toast to Steve, Howard Stark retrieves the Tesseract, and Colonel Phillips gives the inactive case file on the Captain America project to Agent Carter.

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Marvel Movie Minute Season Five • Captain America: The First Avenger • Minute 109
Marvel Movie Minute

CATFA 109: Dancing With the Ewoks

In this minute of Joe Johnston’s 2011 film ‘Captain America: The First Avenger,’ Agent Carter and Colonel Phillips react to the radio silence, realizing what Steve did for the world. The Valkyrie sinks into the ice. People in England celebrate VE-Day.

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Marvel Movie Minute Season Five • Captain America: The First Avenger • Minute 108
Marvel Movie Minute

CATFA 108: The Rain Check

In this minute of Joe Johnston’s 2011 film ‘Captain America: The First Avenger,’ Steve tells Peggy he needs a rain check. They put a plan in place to meet at the Stork Club and Steve says he still doesn’t know how to dance. The radio goes dead. Heartbreak in the Allied HQ.

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Marvel Movie Minute Season Five • Captain America: The First Avenger • Minute 107
Marvel Movie Minute

CATFA 107: Breaking the Fourth (Romance) Wall

In this minute of Joe Johnston’s 2011 film ‘Captain America: The First Avenger,’ Steve tells Peggy there’s not enough time to get Howard to help figure out the Valkyrie’s issues. He makes the decision to put her in the water and starts the descent.

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Marvel Movie Minute Season Five • Captain America: The First Avenger • Minute 106
Marvel Movie Minute

CATFA 106: Going Into the Melty Zone

In this minute of Joe Johnston’s 2011 film ‘Captain America: The First Avenger,’ Red Skull continues dissolving away until he’s off to Vormir, leaving Steve behind to figure out what to do with the Valkyrie. He calls SSR HQ and tells Peggy he won’t be able to land it.

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Marvel Movie Minute

IM021: The Worst Apple-Bobbing Situation Ever

in which Andy, Pete and guest Heidi Bennett from the Vibrant Visionaries podcast, as well as several movies by minutes podcasts, talk about the subtext of Tony’s refusal, the usage of utility stunt players, and the surprising reveal buried in the torture scene that defines Tony’s transformation

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Marvel Movie Minute

IM020: Soapdish Algorithms

in which Andy, Pete and guest Heidi Bennett from the Vibrant Visionaries podcast, as well as several other movies by minutes podcasts, talk about Arabic translations, Yinsen’s intro vs. Abu’s intro, and our fascination with these supporting actors’ backgrounds

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Marvel Movie Minute

IM019: Beans and Barbs

in which Andy, Pete and guest Heidi Bennett from the Vibrant Visionaries podcast, as well as several movies by minutes podcasts, talk about atrial septums, our fears of car batteries, and Yinsen’s campfire beans in the orange and teal lighting

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Marvel Movie Minute

IM018: Giant Potato Battery

in which Andy, Pete and guest Heidi Bennett from the Vibrant Visionaries podcast, as well as several movies by minutes podcasts, talk about the horrors of nasal tubes, the brilliance of sound design, and giant cave tubers

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Marvel Movie Minute

IM017: Cave Surgery Prison Montage

in which Andy, Pete and guest Heidi Bennett from the Vibrant Visionaries podcast (and quite the movies-by-minutes podcaster herself!) talk about Tony’s last jab at Rhodey before he gets blown up, cave surgery montages, and waking up to distant screams

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