Possessed! by Lester and Kynan of The Exorcist Minute!
Lester Ryan Clark and Kynan Dias join us from The Exorcist Minute with a set of films hand-picked to help us understand the genesis and genius of demons and demonic possession in film.
Pete has hosted as well as been a panelist on a number of episodes.
This page features episodes on which he has been a panelist.
See episodes where Pete has hosted right here.
Lester Ryan Clark and Kynan Dias join us from The Exorcist Minute with a set of films hand-picked to help us understand the genesis and genius of demons and demonic possession in film.
What is that constant buzzing? It’s the Fly! And it’s coming to realign your genetic material! This month, Ray DeLancey leads Pete Wright and Tommy Metz III in a lesson on the history of the big-screen bug-eyed monster made popular in 1958, then popular and disgusting in 1986.
Overwhelmed by the deluge of new Star Wars content and don’t have time to watch all the shows and read all the books? Or maybe
Our very own Tommy Metz leads us on a harrowing tale of tropes this month. We start with the Book of the Vampyre as depicted in 1922’s “Nosferatu” and beyond, then pose the most important question three men could ask about horror movies: is the Final Girl a feminist icon?
A tour down very early memory lane as Ray DeLancey hosts Kyle Olson and Pete Wright in a review of Frankenstein (1910), Frankenstein (1931) and The Bride of Frankenstein (1935).
‘The Film Board Gathers! The gang of thugs is here to take on a movie currently in theaters and spoil it rotten and this month we’re taking the stage with the Tatum behind his third run as his spiritual alter-ego Mike Lane in Steven Soderbergh’s latest return from retirement, Magic Mike’s Last Dance.
It’s the podcast where a filmmaker, a comedian and their podcast guru guest follow the mysterious map of the 80s movies we think we love…. or perhaps get lost in the time warp of the 80s movies we might have missed as we watch with our grown up eyes to see how they hold up. This is Time Bandits, a movie selection from 1981 with special guest Pete Wright.
It’s time to revisit the topic of Weaponized Nostalgia but with an eye on the holiday stories. Rob Kubasko and Pete Wright return to discuss the Christmas feelings they got, or didn’t get, from Spirited, A Christmas Story Christmas and the Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special.
Tommy leads Pete and Mandy through Cocaine Bear and Transformers, plus a game of What They In? and a list of moves with fun CG animals!
Kyle Olson leads the crew of Krissy Lenz and Pete Wright on a journey through holiday entertainment, a Quentin Tarantino first-time-teen-viewer watchlist, and a list of movies of superstar pair-ups that didn’t fly.