2022-12-17 • Saturday Matinée
Pete leads Tommy and Kyle on a journey of discovery… adventure… and learning a bit about themselves in the doing. Also, movies, The Diabolical, and perfect endings!
Pete leads Tommy and Kyle on a journey of discovery… adventure… and learning a bit about themselves in the doing. Also, movies, The Diabolical, and perfect endings!
A fine Saturday morning to you all! Looking to binge The Next Reel’s weekend commentary and list-making extravaganza? Here you go!
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Pete leads Tommy and Kyle on a journey of discovery… adventure… and learning a bit about themselves in the doing. Also, movies, The Diabolical, and perfect endings!
Tommy leads Pete and Mandy through Cocaine Bear and Transformers, plus a game of What They In? and a list of moves with fun CG animals!
Kyle Olson leads the crew of Krissy Lenz and Pete Wright on a journey through holiday entertainment, a Quentin Tarantino first-time-teen-viewer watchlist, and a list of movies of superstar pair-ups that didn’t fly.
Mandy Kaplan leads her march across the alps with Tommy Metz and Krissy Lenz on board. This week: trailers, a Game of Logs, and a list of films designed to give you hope.
Pete Wright heads up Kyle Olson and Tommy Metz for a chat through Saturdays and Matinées, the works of William Gibson, kitcheny and mystery trailers, The Diabolical, and lists of movies we’ll never watch again.
Kyle Olson leads Ray DeLancey and Krissy Lenz on a tour through halloween haunts with Halloween Ends. Friday the 13th the Series is for real and going big.
Tommy Metz III leads Krissy Lenz and Mandy Kaplan on a matinée tour of movies and television magic that ends in a recast-a-thon of movies that definitely should be musicals.
The indomitable Kyle Olson leads Tommy Metz III and Pete Wright for a tour through franchises, trailers with numbers after them (mostly), and a game of pitches that leaves them in stitches!
Mandy Kaplan leads a merry band of Krissy Lenz and Pete Wright on a journey through holiday musical magic, a game of titles, and a list of iconic movie character names!
The “Honorable” Tommy Metz III leads Mandy Kaplan and Krissy Lenz in week of chat, a game of Titles, and a list of films about sports… that they don’t follow.
Andy Nelson steps in as pinch hitter leading Ocean Murff and Krissy Lenz in this week’s Saturday Matinée.
Mandy Kaplan and Kyle Olson join Pete Wright for TV, Movies, a list of great movies with terrible names, and THE DIABOLICAL.