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2017-10-21 • Saturday Matinée

Yeah, technology and schedule conspired to delay the Saturday Matinée this weekend. Hope you still have some dishes left to do. If it looks like Arizona, it was shot in New Mexico. Steve is trying to make his daughter patient zero in the Raw veterinary school controversy. Also, he is very unhappy. We’ve got a dash of Khan follow-up. Andy talks box office, Geostorm, Boo 2, and making it cheap.

THE LIST!: Non-sensical use of technology to fill a hole in the plot.

Pete’s List

  1. Johnny Mnemonic
  2. Virtuosity
  3. Mission: Impossible

Andy’s List

  1. Minority Report
  2. AI: Artificial Intelligence
  3. Disclosure

Steve’s List

  1. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
  2. Independence Day
  3. Back to the Future 2

Next Week’s List: Stories of missing people stranded somewhere, lost colonies included

A fine Saturday Morning to you.

Looking to binge The Next Reel’s weekend commentary and list-making extravaganza? Here you go!
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