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The Next Reel Member Bonus Episode • Flickchart Re-Ranking • September 2021

Flickchart Re-Ranking • September 2021

“I am here to solve world conflict with my power of RoShamBo.”

Who dominates in this month’s Flickchart Re-Ranking? Pete or Andy

Pete and Andy are here to duke it out yet again, this time for our September Flickchart Re-Ranking for our beloved members. Also, Andy challenges Pete to remember which series each movie was featured. Here’s a breakdown of the battles. Based on this list, what would you pick to win? And which one will win as we duke it out?

Here’s the list of our rankings in this month’s Flickchart Re-Ranking episode.

The Fisher King vs. An American Werewolf in LondonSunshine vs. Die HardThe Emigrants vs. Children of the CornThe Dead Zone vs. Glengarry Glen RossRocky V vs. Se7enThe Innocents vs. National Lampoon’s VacationWe’re No Angels vs. ZodiacMarty vs. The Man With Two BrainsAmour vs. Touch of EvilDanger: Diabolik vs. Pennies From HeavenThe Killing vs. The TownThe Emigrants vs. The Fifth Element (What’s funny about this one is that Pete can’t remember at all of what series The Fifth Element was a part.) • Coogan’s Bluff vs. The Fisher KingMeek’s Cutoff vs. Close Encounters of the Third KindThe Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension vs. The Philadelphia StoryEquilibrium vs. The Last Boy ScoutCaddyshack vs. Double IndemnityForrest Gump vs. Certain WomenThoroughly Modern Millie vs. Hot FuzzThe Book of Eli vs. The HostTimeCrimes vs. Lady VengeanceJaws vs. Dead RingersStrange Days vs. CrawlThe Man With Two Brains vs. About TimeThe Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert vs. Being John MalkovichOnce Upon a Time in the West vs. Raising ArizonaThe Edge vs. MiseryMajor League vs. Certain Women Lots of fun in our re-rankings this month. Wanna look at our entire chart? Just click here to visit our Flickchart page! If you’re not a member yet but want to tune in to this episode and all other member bonus episodes, please consider becoming a member!

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