
JJ and Steve wrap up this season of Trailer Rewind with a powerful film. This is one of the few films that JJ doesn’t want to spoil. He and Steve both agree that you should avoid this trailer until after you have watched the film. Antebellum takes its tim

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Steve Sarmento and Justin Jaeger pick one movie currently available on streaming services and discuss it at length, from its origins to its performance and everything in between.
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Trailer Rewind


JJ and Steve travel back to 1995. That time when landlines were ubiquitous and had yet surrendered to the internet, cell phones and texting. Although Landline is from 2017, it feels like a close relative to the mid-90s indie film scene that was bursting o

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The Roads Not Taken

The Roads Not Taken is a challenging film to watch. The question is whether it is intended to be oblique or if it is such a personal film that audiences aren’t expected to fully access the intent and meaning behind it.

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The Endless

Tommy joins JJ and Steve in a discussion of The Endless, the story of two brothers that have escaped from a weird death cult. Is it a cult, or just a commune of people that like being off the grid? Is this a horror film or a sci-fi film? Can it be both?

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Please Stand By

When is a film that has scenes with Kirk and Spock not a Star Trek movie? Well . . . when it’s a film about a young woman writing an epic screenplay for a Star Trek contest.

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