
JJ and Steve wrap up this season of Trailer Rewind with a powerful film. This is one of the few films that JJ doesn’t want to spoil. He and Steve both agree that you should avoid this trailer until after you have watched the film. Antebellum takes its tim

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Steve Sarmento and Justin Jaeger pick one movie currently available on streaming services and discuss it at length, from its origins to its performance and everything in between.
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Trailer Rewind

The Peanut Butter Falcon

Is there magical realism woven into the end of this film? Possibly. Will kids want to carve watermelon helmets after watching this? Maybe. Is this a film that the whole family can watch together and enjoy? Steve and JJ disagree. Listen in to find out why.

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The Goldfinch

JJ and Steve are joined by Tommy to make sense of the puzzle that is The Goldfinch. It’s not that the story is complex or difficult to decipher. It’s not that there’s a mystery to solve. It’s just that it is very challenging to describe why this film does

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The Hummingbird Project

For some reason this film about building a 1000 mile underground fiber optic connection was also buried underground. In this story about an attempt to set a speed record in round trip communications JJ and Steve find that it’s the back half of the story

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Papillon (2017)

When is a movie that features characters trying to break out of prison not a prison break movie? How can you watch a man earn his freedom and not feel elated? These are just a few of the questions that JJ and Steve dig into during their conversation about

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