Meet Your Host

Megan Hunter

Megan Hunter, MBA, is the co-founder and CEO of the High Conflict Institute. She developed the concept of the Institute after 13 years in policy, legislation, and judicial training with the Arizona Supreme Court and five years with the Dawes County Attorney’s Office in Nebraska. She is founder and publisher of Unhooked Books, a U.S.-based media company. She has served as President of the Arizona Chapter of the Association of Family & Conciliation Courts, the Arizona Family Support Council and Nebraska Child Support Enforcement Association. She served five years on the Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiner, and currently serves on the board of Stepfamily Magazine.

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It's All Your Fault • episode 141

Are Personality Disorders a Mental Illness?

Bill and Megan discuss what’s considered a mental illness or disorder, how personality disorders differ, if they’re a form of mental illness, links between personality disorders and prominent cases, how courts regard them, and more.

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It's All Your Fault • Episode 140

Narcissists: The Great Dividers

Bill and Megan talk about how narcissistic high conflict people are the Great Dividers. They look at how and where this manifests, why we don’t see it coming, how to address it, and more.

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It's All Your Fault episode 139

What If I’m High Conflict?

Have you wondered if you are high conflict? If you have, you’re not alone. In this episode, Bill and Megan talk about identifying patterns that might mean you’re high conflict and what you should do about it.

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