Through Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast, Nikki Kinzer and Pete Wright strive to help listeners with support, life management strategies, and time and technology tips, dedicated to anyone looking to take control of their lives in the face ADHD.

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Pre-Order Unapologetically ADHD by Nikki Kinzer & Pete Wright

That’s right, we wrote a book! We’re incredibly proud of it and what it represents of our experience working with—and living with—ADHD. Our hope is that you find yourself on these pages, and that your reflections as you read it lead you down a path of joy, insight, discovery, and structure as you continue to refine how you plan for the most important things in your life.

We hope you find something along the way that inspires you to pre-order it, ready to learn and enjoy when it’s officially released on September 4, 2024!

Nikki Kinzer, PCC

For over a decade, Nikki Kinzer has been helping individuals and businesses reach success through better organization. As founder of Take Control ADHD and an ADHD coach, Nikki’s passion is to partner with individuals and families, to help them to build positive life habits, reduce stress, and inspire them to take back control in their lives.
Pete Wright Portland, OR The Next Reel, Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast

Pete Wright

Pete is a podcaster, photographer, and writer in Portland, Oregon. He was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult and has been working for more than a decade to build the systems that best support his work as a freelancer. As co-host of The ADHD Podcast, he serves to bring his experience living with ADHD to support others.

Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast

Caroline Maguire Helps Us Make Friends

Making friends as a kid felt effortless—one shared lunch, one game of tag, and suddenly, you had a best friend. But as adults, friendship is more complicated, especially for those with ADHD, where forgetfulness, time blindness, and social missteps can make connection feel just out of reach. Caroline Maguire understands this better than anyone and she’s back this week to help.

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The Paradox of ADHD Impulsivity: Both Gift and Liability in Our Most Intimate Relationships with Melissa Orlov

What if the very quality that makes those early, intoxicating moments of romance so vibrant—the spontaneous weekend getaway, the surprise bouquet of flowers—later becomes the source of relationship friction? The human brain, particularly one wired with ADHD, contains multitudes of contradictions, and nowhere is this more evident than in how impulsivity shapes our intimate partnerships.

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Complete Archive: The ADHD Podcast






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